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Tenant Survey

Your views are really important to us and our 2024 survey is a chance to tell us what you think about your home and the services that we provide.

We will use your feedback when planning future services and to compare with both past and future surveys. The results will also be sent to the Welsh Government to be compared on their website with other landlords in Wales.

By completing the survey you can enter the free prize draw, with a chance of winning one of four £100 in shopping vouchers.

If you have any questions or concerns about this survey please contact Barcud on 0300 111 3030 or email

For any technical difficulties please contact


If you already have a code, such as from a postal survey, enter it below and click continue.


For everyone else, enter an email below and click continue to login. You will also get a copy of your code emailed to you.

The survey is being carried out on the behalf of Barcud by an independent specialist called ARP Research according to the Market Research Society Code of Conduct. The survey is confidential, which means that once processed your answers will not be linked with your identity without your consent and will be treated and stored according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We do not use any of the information you provide for direct marketing or other non-research activities. For more detail please click here.